BIO 197 M3_L1_Gizmo_Simulation_Lab_ Photosynthesis_ _HONORS 2020

University of Michigan

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BIO 197 M3  L1  Gizmo  Simulation  Lab  Photosynthesis  HONORS 2020
  • BIO 197 M3 L1 Gizmo Simulation Lab Photosynthesis HONORS 2020

  • Prüfung • 14 Seiten • 2021
  • What did you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday? Imagine that your body made its own food, internally. Sound crazy? Plants do this all the time. Plants make their own food in a process called photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O) to make sugars, which provide them with the energy they need to live as well as the raw materials they need to grow. As a byproduct of photosynthesis, plants produce and release oxygen (O2). A...
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