

En esta página, encontrarás todos los documentos, paquetes y tarjetas que ofrece el vendedor oliviarbellini.


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3 artículos

Principles of Biology Module 3 (Chapters 12-17) Notes

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This set of notes details everything in Chapters 12-17, or Module 3, of Biology 1020. Chapter 12 starts out with the cell cycle and critical aspects of cell division. The phases of the cell cycle, including mitosis, are explained with descriptions and diagrams. Chapter 13 continues with meiosis and sexual versus asexual reproduction. It also introduces chromosomes and genes and how they contribute to life. Chapter 14 goes deeper into genes and covers all of what Gregor Mendel discovered about ge...

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 48 páginas • 
  • por oliviarbellini • 
  • subido  24-08-2023
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Principles of Biology Module 2 Notes

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These notes cover everything in Module 2 (Chapters 6-10) of BIOL1020 in depth with descriptions and diagrams. Chapter 6 starts with cells and covers prokaryotes, eukaryotes, all of the organelles, and different types of microscopy that is used to view cells. There is especially thorough information on each of the organelles and their structure and function. Chapter 7 goes in depth on the structure and function of membranes and membrane proteins. It also covers the different types of transport, p...

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 46 páginas • 
  • por oliviarbellini • 
  • subido  24-08-2023
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Biology 1020 Module 1 Notes

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These notes cover everything in Module 1 of Principles of Biology. Chapter 1 starts out with the basics of biology, the features of all living organisms, biological organization, and the classification of biological diversity. Chapter 2 covers the chemical context of life, which includes matter, elements, atoms, ions, isotopes, chemical bonds, energy, and radioactivity. Chapter 3 dives deeper into water and how vital it is to life on earth, including its four emergent properties, concentration a...

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  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 35 páginas • 
  • por oliviarbellini • 
  • subido  24-08-2023
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