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AIN3701 Activity 5.8 AIN3701 Activity 5.8 AIN3701 Activity 5.8 AIN3701 Activity 5.8 Components of instruction; Opcode–what the instruction does. Operand –what the instruction performs upon. Chapter(5) 5.8 5.8 we want to increase the number of registers th

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AIN3701 Activity 5.8 AIN3701 Activity 5.8 AIN3701 Activity 5.8 AIN3701 Activity 5.8 Components of instruction; Opcode–what the instruction does. Operand –what the instruction performs upon. Chapter(5) 5.8 5.8 we want to increase the number of registers that we can specify in the LC-3 ADD instruction to 32. Do you see any problem with that? Explain ANS increasing the number of registers to 32 will need 5 bits to denote the register number. Now, the minimum number of bits needed fo...

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  • Examen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por mumbi • 
  • subido  28-08-2023
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